Welcome & hello!!!!

I'm overjoyed you've stumbled across my funny web dwelling...My name is Hazel and this is my very own internet self expression project! I use this as a place to dump everything in my brain. I find it easier to express myself anonymously here, knowing I won't be judged by my peers, and no one will ever know it was me. In a way, this is like a digital rendition of my inner world!
I began my journey of Webmastery when I was no older than 11 years old when I made my first neocities page, but I never did much other than practice basic html and css with it. As I've improved over the years, I've still never made a personal website like this, where i can talk about whatever i want to, until now!
I've always been infatuated with this community and the philosophies behind it. I find myself overwhelmed by social media often, but this website has the perfect solution! I can share everything I please, and only see what I want to online!
I've tried making this website compatible for everyone's devices, but it definitely looks prettiest on computer! Thanks for reading! I love you!!
E-mail me!!!
Song of the Whenever:

Friends & Neighbors!