When you fall asleep, you will enter the area the dream world. in contrast to the real world, you can actually leave your room while asleep. upon doing so, you will be greeted with a new area called the nexus, a small, looping room with thirteen doors that all lead to their own individual sub-worlds. if you explore around enough, most worlds will lead to doors to even more worlds.
The end goal in this game is simply to collect all 24 effects scattered about the worlds, and lay them all down in the nexus. i use the word "goal" loosely, as there isn't any set objectives in this game; there's no dialogue, nor text telling you what to do. it's simply an exploring game, and with its hypnotic looping soundtrack and many of the worlds being infinite loops that you must traverse for long periods of time, it's easy to get lost in this game's atmosphere. you wander around for hours through abstract looping worlds, hoping to stumble across a door or effect.In order to get the ending scene, you must acquire all 24 effect eggs and set them down in the nexus.